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Why Does My AC System Run Constantly in Pineville, NC?

AC System

An air conditioner that won’t shut off is ultimately no less of a threat to your comfort and peace of mind than one that won’t turn on. Here are a few things that might cause the AC system in your home in Pineville, NC, to run constantly:

Dirty Filter

If you don’t make sure your AC system’s filter remains clean, the dirt that gathers on it may choke off further airflow. Since less treated air will reach your home, the system’s overall effectiveness will drop. As a result, the temperature in your home won’t fall, and your thermostat may order your air conditioner to keep working.

Not only will this place great stress on your AC system, but the air that does move into your home will probably contain lots of debris, worsening your indoor air quality. To prevent this, remember to change or clean your AC filter at least once every 90 days.

Leaky Ductwork

Stray rodents, pests, poor insulation, and corrosion through ordinary wear and tear can all cause treated air to leak through your air conditioner’s ductwork. Once this air escapes, it won’t be able to reach your home and bring down indoor temperatures. Your thermostat may then force your AC system to work for longer.

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant has a vaguely sweet and chloroform-like odor, and it’s essential to your air conditioner’s ability to produce cool air. If any of it leaks, your system may wind up overworking itself. Since refrigerant is toxic, you should only trust professionals to handle such leaks.

If your AC system begins running without end, the stress that it’ll endure may eventually prove catastrophic. To save yourself from even more serious trouble in the future, we recommend taking action against this issue right away. If you live around Pineville, NC, call Bradham Comfort Services to schedule an immediate AC repair.

Image provided by iStock

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