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How Does Your Pet Impact Your HVAC System?


We all love our pets, but they can create a few home maintenance issues that you might not think about. Pet fur and dander can harm your HVAC system and cause it to malfunction. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to help your system and pets coexist peacefully in Charlotte, NC.

Pets and Your HVAC System

Pet hair and dander can clog the filter in your HVAC system. This causes the system to operate inefficiently. It can also lead to major breakdowns and repairs in the future. To avoid this, you should change your HVAC system’s filter every month.

Pets and Indoor Air Quality

For those who have allergies, pet dander and hair can cause symptoms to worsen. The air handler and filter have to work extra hard to keep these particles from entering the system and recirculating throughout the home. You can install an air purifier to take the load off of your HVAC system and keep it running efficiently.

Things to Do If You Have Pets

One thing that can help to protect your HVAC unit and your indoor air quality is to keep your pets groomed, but this is not always enough. Having regular preventative maintenance and an inspection of your system can help keep it running properly. You can also install a special high-efficiency air filter to help trap the pet hair and dander.

If you live with pets, you must take special precautions to keep your HVAC system working the way that it should. Bradham Comfort Services, provides services to help you do this so that you can get back to enjoying your furry friends. If you need to have your system inspected, give us a call to schedule an appointment. We’ll take care of your needs as quickly as possible.

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